The creation of the first shuttle lace-craft school in Bulgaria makes possible the successful implementation of a European craft, its partial adaptation to the Bulgarian mode of life reflected in the term, Kalofer lace. The new livelihood promises restoration to a certain extent of economic independence of Kalofer women. The opening of lace craft school in Kalofer is a result of the collective efforts of public organizations, municipality as well as personal care of citizen leaders from Kalofer and its Diaspora. It must be specially underlined the participation of countrymen organization ”Kalofer fellow-citizens in Sofia”. The successful start of lace craft school is a result of the union of action between the Metropolis and Diaspora and the application of the social action technologies, created in the past decades of economic progress from the age of Bulgarian Revival.
Keywords: Kalofer lace, municipality, women’s association, countrymen organization, material, and social technologies