The current global environmental situation drives different international organizations, governments, scientists and grassroots movements to seek solutions for more sustainable development. Everyday eating is a basic need that requires an enormous amount of resources and has a huge impact on the environment. Thus different types of actors attempt to establish sustainable models of food consumption. Bulgaria is also a part of these processes and global ideas about creating “alternatives” to the current dominant models of food provision. The subject of the current study is the Hrankoop movement as an example of these “alternatives” with its ideas, actions and formations (food cooperative, farmers’ markets and store). The main focus of the article is to demonstrate how and to what extent global ideas for alternative food supply networks are construed and implemented locally. I will explore the emergence, development and transformation of Hrankoop movement and will summarize its main specifics at a local level.
Keywords: alternative food networks, food sovereignty, food localization, Hrankoop movement, clean food